Here we introduce the students whose applicantions have been accepted.
They are waiting for your assistance in order to take up their studies.
David is 22 years old. His mother take care of twelve children and was left by her husband and cannot bear the load. David would like to pursue a Diploma in Medical Radiography at the Mulago Paramedical Schools. I have the prospect of becoming a doctor to bring happiness to my mum who has taken care of me and help my young sisters. I have a dream of establishing my own clinical research centre to provide health care for many suffering people in my country. I also want to bless all those people who have assisted me and others yet to come in my life. (David) |
Maureen is 20 years old and has only one parent. Her father died early and left five children. Her mother has had problems to bring them up. Maureen would like to study Logistics Management at Muteesa I Royal University. I want to bring happiness in my family and also help other needy children around me. (Maureen) |
Tony is 19 years old. When his parents separated he grew up with his mother who does not have a steady income. Tony would like to pursue a Bachelor of Science in Accounting at Makerere University. I want to use my education to become self-reliant and bring happiness to my mother and build her a house because of her unwavering devotion and commitment to educate me up to this level. (Tony) |
Angella is 21 years old. Both her parents died young so she and her siblings grew up with their grandparents. Angella would like to pursue a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics at Makerere University. I want to become self-reliant through my studies and help my siblings who dropped out of school due to lack of money for school fees. I would like to help other children who have had to go through the same experience, to enable them to get access to education, rights and basic needs. (Angella) |
Haruna is 21 years old and an orphan. For some years he lived as a beggar caring for his younger brother and himself. Later he was able to stay with some relatives. Haruna would like to study Project Planning and Entrepreneurship at Mukono Christian University. I am grateful for the way in which people have made sacrifices to help me. I am in need of help today and if anyone out there can give a helping hand I would appreciate; the greatest thing about this is the seed you have planted in me one day will grow. (Haruna) |